files distributed
with dvips, as some characters are not in the expected places.
Similarly, Textures users will find things not quite right. For
this purpose the package file ot1var
is provided; this changes
some macro definitions to make the necessary fixes, with options
[dvips] and [textures] (default is [dvips]).
Family name | Full name |
bch | Bitstream Charter |
hlc | B&H Lucida Bright |
hlcs | B&H Lucida Sans |
hlct | B&H Lucida Bright Typewriter |
pgm | Adobe Garamond |
mim | Monotype Imprint |
mnt | Monotype Times New Roman |
pgm | Adobe ITC Garamond |
pgs | Adobe MGillSans |
pgs | Adobe MGillSans |
plc | Adobe Lucida |
plcs | Adobe Lucida Sans |
pnb | NewBaskerville |
pop | Adobe Optima |
pun | Adobe Univers |
put | Adobe Utopia-Regular |
unmr | URW NimbusRoman-Regular |
unmrs | URW NimbusSans-Regular |
Notes: a) lucbr.sty uses the font names for Lucida Bright
which conform to Karl Berry's scheme. Use package optipn `yy' to use
the font names supplied by Y&Y. b) If you want to use just standard
PostScript fonts for math, Alan Jeffrey's mathptm package does
as good a job as possible (though it still needs access to some CMR
math fonts). The extra metric and virtual font files that this needs
are supplied with Adobe Times Roman in the CTAN